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Rabbi seriously mistaken about Schiavo's feeding tube

Letter from montreal gazette thurs day 30th March  2005

March 31, 2005

Rabbi Allan Nadler (Opinion, March 29, "Hijacking religion") claims
Judeo-Christian teachings support the view that Terri Schiavo's feeding
tube should be removed. As a rabbi myself, let me tell you nothing could
be farther from the truth.

Nadler claims the Bible makes a husband the rightful guardian of his
wife ("Henceforth shall a man leave his father and mother and 'cling' to
his wife ...," as Genesis 2:24 says).

Unfortunately, Michael Schiavo has not "clung" to his wife. He broke his
marriage vows, committed adultery, and went to live with his girlfriend,
with whom he has two children.

He has a vested interest in removing Terri's feeding tube, as he cannot
marry his girlfriend as long as Terri is alive.

Nadler assumes Terri is brain-dead and, thus, has lost her "image of
God." Terri is not brain dead, nor is she terminally ill. She is
brain-damaged. Her impairment is cognitive. To remove the feeding tube
from a patient whose only impairment is cognitive is simply murder.

Terri Schiavo's case cannot be compared with that of Karen Quinlan, as
Nadler would have us believe, in that food and water are not artificial
devices that prolong life, but basic human needs.

Finally, Nadler faults George W. Bush for trying to save Terri's life,
and on the other hand signing the greatest number of death warrants in
American history. It is disingenuous on Nadler's part to compare the
two. The death warrants were for people who had already been judged by a
jury of their peers and convicted of crimes warranting the death

As far as I know, Terri Schiavo has been guilty of no such crime.
Judeo-Christian values teach us it is not within our moral jurisdiction
to decide what quality of life is "not worth living" and, therefore,
unworthy of treatment. Only God Himself has that authority. As Job said
(Job 1:21): "The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the
name of the Lord."

Rabbi Mordecai Bulua


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