--- Ashley Moran <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Can anyone suggest an alternative hot drink to tea?

There are any number of herb teas which are just the
dried leaves.  Peppermint is one of my favorites.  Red
tea, from South Africa, is caffeine free and becoming
more popular. Then there's fennel or anise - tastes
somewhat like licorice, but does not have the same
effects.  (Okay, those are seeds, not leaves, but same
principle.) And I'm also fond of rose water (try a
Middle Eastern grocery)  or lemon juice added to a cup
of hot water.

And of course there's just plain decaf tea, either
black or green!  Not entirely paleo, but then, neither
is being concerned about the caffeine.  (And it
wouldn't surprise me if tea has been bred to contain
more caffeine, at that.)

But I suspect if you take a look through the teas
available at the grocery, you might be surprised what
you can find.

Good luck.


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