A wise pastor said if a shepherd doesn't have the smell of sheep on him, he
has no flock. We need more shepherds like your pastor. Interestingly
enough, and I've shared this before but it bares repeating. My pastor in
Texas talked with a shepherd from Ireland of all places, and he said that a
real shepherd has need to roam about the flock touching them on the sides
from time to time to reassure the flock they are safe and OK. I don't think
it is accidental Christ used a shepherd analogy. On a more somber note,
this shepherd also said when they had a problematic sheep that wouldn't
listen and would try to escape? They'd break a leg(s). Ouch God...
please!!! I'll stay I'll stay honest!!


At 10:14 PM 2/26/2005, you wrote:
>When my father first got sick I was visiting Christ the King a lot.  I
>didn't join the church though.  The pastor of the church would go from south
>west Denver clear out to Littleton Porter to see my dad and encourage my
>mom.  Some people in the congregation didn't like that and said that he
>shouldn't visit my dad because I wasn't a member of the church.  He told
>them that anyone who goes to him for help, as long as he is the pastor, will
>get it if at all possible.  He resigned from the church in Denver to go to
>take care of his parents.  His name was Jim Norley, and I think he was one
>of the nicest pastors I've ever met.