I voted yes.  I know three ladies (totally blind) that already have them here in Michigan
Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
Karen Carter '74


Hello friends!

Kevin Nathan K7RX, our original guest for this week slated to discuss things
amateur radio, has been rescheduled for a later show. We appreciate Kevin's
involvement, and will bring him back very soon.

Yesterday on American tv, we saw the story of Christy and Tom Hutchinson
from Colorado. The Hutchinsons were denied a day care license from the
state. Why? Because Christy and Tom are blind.

After the program, a poll was taken. Here is the question on which viewers
were asked to vote as well as the current vote status:

If a blind couple meets all requirements for running a day care, do you
think the state should allow them to operate one?
Thus far, 3416 Votes were taken.
Yes, I do. 850 or 25 percent
No, I don't. It's not safe. 2138or 63 percent
I'm not sure. 428 or 13 percent

To cast your vote, go to

I know Christy from her outstanding work with ACB's Guide Dog Users group,
and I know her to be competent and capable. I invited Christy and Tom to
tell their story on Marlaina, aired Sunday nights at 8 PM Eastern, 5 Pacific
in North America, and Mondays at 1 Universal. They have agreed, and will be
here to answer your questions as they tell their story.

As people who are blind, we are all challenged by this situation, which
points out the reality that we really do have a lot more work to do to
educate and open the very closed eyes of the general public. As an ACB
member or friend, what might you suggest to ACB to consider as steps the
organization can take to do its part to ensure that others who are blind
have a fair and reasonable opportunity to participate fully and equally in
the mainstream of life?

As always, your calls will be taken on the toll free number, 866 666 7926;
the number works worldwide, but is toll free throughout most of North
America. We will attempt also to be in the chat room for our international
listeners, www.ourplace.acbradio.org speak easy room. However, the latter
is a bit iffy due to technical difficulties on the broadcasting computer.

I know today is a big sports day with the Superbowl and all, but I hope you
will find time in between passes, quarters or at halftime to join us to
learn more about this story, lend your support to two people who are clearly
feeling the bite of discrimination simply due to their being blind, and
learn how you can help.

Please feel free to widely post this announcement on various lists and share
with others who may be interested, and then join us for the next Marlaina, 8
PM Eastern, 5 Pacific,Sunday February 6 in North America, Monday February 7
at 1 Universal.

Thank you for your continued support. I know the Hutchinsons will feel your
support and concern through your participation in the upcoming program.

Marlaina Lieberg