Father in Heaven please release Carolyn from the pian she is in.  You made her so you can turn those pain nerves off.  In your precious name I pray Amen
Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> Dear Loving EChurch Family,
> Please continue to pray for Carolyn, as she is in a lot of pain.
> I talked with Billie last night, and she sent Carolyn to the Hospis
> hospital yesterday afternoon to have them try and get her pain under
> control and her bed sores on the mend.
> I just called Billie today on her cell phone, as she had called me on her
> way to the Hospice center.
> Billie was crying when I called her. She said Carolyn is in a lot of pain.
> Billie feels they aren't taking good care of Carolyn. She's waiting for the
> nurse.
> Please pray for one of 2 things to happen. Either for God to take Carolyn
> home, or for God to perform a miracle.
> Please pray for Billie, she's really upset, and totally exhausted. I wish I
> could be there with her.
> Thanks for praying.
> Love and Blessings,
> Pat Ferguson