Thanks Brad it is incouraging.  I am totally relying on prayer right now.  And I know he will come through he always does it is just sometimes he takes longer than what we think he should.  So I get a little nervious.  But if it were not for God I would probably be dead.  Praise His Holy name. 
Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> Karen,
> God has worked out financial issues in our life several times where by all
> humanly inclined standards there is no way it would work out. At the time I
> quote "thought" I'd receive X amount towards my huge tax bill, then quote
> "hoped" I'd bet X Y amount towards the tax bill and I finally got to a
> point of relying totally on "prayer" and God came through with exactly what
> was needed, almost to the dollar. I was facing thousands the way it worked
> out that year for taxes and hand only hundreds. I mean what I had was six
> times less than what I needed, yet God saw me through. I pray god meets
> your need similarly and gives you the peace until it comes. I pray God puts
> you on a job as well that he'd have for you that you can maintain the
> financial responsibilities you have.
> Brad
> At 03:13 PM 1/31/2005, you wrote:
> >--NextPart_Webmail_9m3u9jl4l_4569_1107205992_0
> >Content-Type: text/plain
> >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> >
> >Thanks Phil I need this for myself. Right now. I need everyones
> >prayers. I am without work or income and all the bills 1,200.00 and a
> >credit card bill 596.00 and growing is due. God told me and showed me
> >that I would not loose my house. And I know he is the God of the
> >impossible. But when you see these numbers and nothing coming in it makes
> >it hard to hold on to the faith of him letting me keep the house. In the
> >physical world it would be wise to sale and get out from under the debts
> >but that would be denying God and his promise. So I am trusting and
> >hoping he will hurry up and come through because as of today the credit
> >card debt will be four months which means dunnum letter time and they
> >could take the house. I guess I am praying that I be strong in faith and
> >not worry and get upset because God will come through somehow.
> >
> >--
> >Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
> >Karen Carter '74
> >
> >--NextPart_Webmail_9m3u9jl4l_4569_1107205992_0
> >Content-Type: text/html
> >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
> >
> >Thanks Phil I need this for myself. Right now. I need everyones
> >prayers. I am without work or income and all the bills 1,200.00 and a
> >credit card bill 596.00 and growing is due. God told me and showed me
> >that I would not loose my house. And I know he is the God of the
> >impossible. But when you see these numbers and nothing coming in it makes
> >it hard to hold on to the faith of him letting me keep the house. In the
> >physical world it would be wise to sale and get out from under the debts
> >but that would be denying God and his promise. So I am trusting and
> >hoping he will hurry up and come through because as of today the credit
> >card debt will be four months which means dunnum letter time and they
> >could take the house. I guess I am praying that I be strong in faith and
> >not worry and get upset because God will come through somehow.
> >
> >--
> >Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
> >Karen Carter '74
> >
> >--NextPart_Webmail_9m3u9jl4l_4569_1107205992_0--