Praise God.  Thanks
Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
Karen Carter '74

> I know these people and hey sure have a "yes" vote from me.
> Vicki
> ----- Original Message -----=20
> From: Karen Carter=20
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 5:34 PM
> Subject: [ECHURCH-USA] Fw: Blind Day Care, Next on Marlaina
> I voted yes. I know three ladies (totally blind) that already have =
> them here in Michigan
> --
> Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.=20
> Karen Carter '74=20
> Hello friends!=20
> Kevin Nathan K7RX, our original guest for this week slated to =
> discuss things=20
> amateur radio, has been rescheduled for a later show. We appreciate =
> Kevin's=20
> involvement, and will bring him back very soon.=20
> Yesterday on American tv, we saw the story of Christy and Tom =
> Hutchinson=20
> from Colorado. The Hutchinsons were denied a day care license from =
> the=20
> state. Why? Because Christy and Tom are blind.=20
> After the program, a poll was taken. Here is the question on which =
> viewers=20
> were asked to vote as well as the current vote status:=20
> If a blind couple meets all requirements for running a day care, do =
> you=20
> think the state should allow them to operate one?=20
> Thus far, 3416 Votes were taken.=20
> Yes, I do. 850 or 25 percent=20
> No, I don't. It's not safe. 2138or 63 percent=20
> I'm not sure. 428 or 13 percent=20
> To cast your vote, go to=20
> I know Christy from her outstanding work with ACB's Guide Dog Users =
> group,=20
> and I know her to be competent and capable. I invited Christy and =
> Tom to=20
> tell their story on Marlaina, aired Sunday nights at 8 PM Eastern, 5 =
> Pacific=20
> in North America, and Mondays at 1 Universal. They have agreed, and =
> will be=20
> here to answer your questions as they tell their story.=20
> As people who are blind, we are all challenged by this situation, =
> which=20
> points out the reality that we really do have a lot more work to do =
> to=20
> educate and open the very closed eyes of the general public. As an =
> ACB=20
> member or friend, what might you suggest to ACB to consider as steps =
> the=20
> organization can take to do its part to ensure that others who are =
> blind=20
> have a fair and reasonable opportunity to participate fully and =
> equally in=20
> the mainstream of life?=20
> As always, your calls will be taken on the toll free number, 866 666 =
> 7926;=20
> the number works worldwide, but is toll free throughout most of =
> North=20
> America. We will attempt also to be in the chat room for our =
> international=20
> listeners, speak easy room. However, the =
> latter=20
> is a bit iffy due to technical difficulties on the broadcasting =
> computer.=20
> I know today is a big sports day with the Superbowl and all, but I =
> hope you=20
> will find time in between passes, quarters or at halftime to join us =
> to=20
> learn more about this story, lend your support to two people who are =
> clearly=20
> feeling the bite of discrimination simply due to their being blind, =
> and=20
> learn how you can help.=20
> Please feel free to widely post this announcement on various lists =
> and share=20
> with others who may be interested, and then join us for the next =
> Marlaina, 8=20
> PM Eastern, 5 Pacific,Sunday February 6 in North America, Monday =
> February 7=20
> at 1 Universal.=20
> Thank you for your continued support. I know the Hutchinsons will =
> feel your=20
> support and concern through your participation in the upcoming =
> program.=20
> Marlaina Lieberg=20
> ------=_NextPart_000_005D_01C50C73.656AD640
> Content-Type: text/html;
> charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> > charset=3Diso-8859-1">
I know these people and hey sure have a =
> "yes" vote=20
> from me.




> style=3D"PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; =
> BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
----- Original Message -----

> > style=3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: =
> black">From:=20
> > href=3D"mailto:[log in to unmask]">Karen=20
> Carter

To: > [log in to unmask]
> =
> href=3D"mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]

Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 =
> 5:34=20
> PM

Subject: [ECHURCH-USA] Fw: =
> Blind Day=20
> Care, Next on Marlaina


I voted yes.  I know three ladies (totally blind) that =
> already have=20
> them here in Michigan


Prayer is the bridge =
> between panic and=20
> peace.
Karen Carter '74


> > style=3D"PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px =
> solid">

> friends!

Kevin Nathan K7RX, our original guest for this week =
> slated=20
> to discuss things
amateur radio, has been rescheduled for a =
> later show.=20
> We appreciate Kevin's
involvement, and will bring him back very =
> soon.=20

Yesterday on American tv, we saw the story of Christy and =
> Tom=20
> Hutchinson
from Colorado. The Hutchinsons were denied a day care =
> license=20
> from the
state. Why? Because Christy and Tom are blind. =

> the program, a poll was taken. Here is the question on which viewers =
were asked to vote as well as the current vote status: =

If a=20
> blind couple meets all requirements for running a day care, do you =
> the state should allow them to operate one?
Thus far, 3416 Votes =
> were=20
> taken.
Yes, I do. 850 or 25 percent
No, I don't. It's not =
> safe.=20
> 2138or 63 percent
I'm not sure. 428 or 13 percent

To =
> cast your=20
> vote, go to =

I know Christy from her outstanding work with ACB's Guide =
> Dog Users=20
> group,
and I know her to be competent and capable. I invited =
> Christy and=20
> Tom to
tell their story on Marlaina, aired Sunday nights at 8 PM =
> Eastern, 5 Pacific
in North America, and Mondays at 1 Universal. =
> They=20
> have agreed, and will be
here to answer your questions as they =
> tell=20
> their story.

As people who are blind, we are all challenged =
> by this=20
> situation, which
points out the reality that we really do have a =
> lot=20
> more work to do to
educate and open the very closed eyes of the =
> general=20
> public. As an ACB
member or friend, what might you suggest to =
> ACB to=20
> consider as steps the
organization can take to do its part to =
> ensure=20
> that others who are blind
have a fair and reasonable opportunity =
> to=20
> participate fully and equally in
the mainstream of life? =

> always, your calls will be taken on the toll free number, 866 666 =
> 7926;=20
the number works worldwide, but is toll free throughout most of =
> North=20
America. We will attempt also to be in the chat room for our=20
> international
listeners, speak easy =
> room.=20
> However, the latter
is a bit iffy due to technical difficulties =
> on the=20
> broadcasting computer.

I know today is a big sports day with =
> the=20
> Superbowl and all, but I hope you
will find time in between =
> passes,=20
> quarters or at halftime to join us to
learn more about this =
> story, lend=20
> your support to two people who are clearly
feeling the bite of=20
> discrimination simply due to their being blind, and
learn how =
> you can=20
> help.

Please feel free to widely post this announcement on =
> various=20
> lists and share
with others who may be interested, and then join =
> us for=20
> the next Marlaina, 8
PM Eastern, 5 Pacific,Sunday February 6 in =
> North=20
> America, Monday February 7
at 1 Universal.

Thank you for =
> your=20
> continued support. I know the Hutchinsons will feel your
support =
> and=20
> concern through your participation in the upcoming program. =

> Lieberg

> ------=_NextPart_000_005D_01C50C73.656AD640--