Hi William,

Thank you for your response. I am almost ready to settle for a good
fantasy but if we stick with reality for the moment I think your response
would be along the lines and in agreement with the statements in the
following link, right?


I am already eating much in accordance with the paleo
recommendations/tradition as stated in my first post. I don't use
hydrogenated oils in any form or vegetable oils with the exception of
Extra Virgin Olive Oil for sauteeing. Recently started using coconut oil
for sauteeing but I had a reaction to something I ate and I was afraid it
had to do with the consumption of the coconut oil so I have discontinued
it for the time being. I assume the EVOO is better than other vegetable
oils because of the higher content of monounsaturated fatty acids and
lower PUFA. Do you guys, the real paleo people of today, LOL!!, use EVOO
for cooking or Coconut oil or do you use animal fat?

Where do you buy goose fat?

Again, Thank you for your help, William.
