Thanks Phil I need this for myself.  Right now. I need everyones prayers.  I am without work or income and all the bills 1,200.00 and a credit card bill 596.00 and growing is due.  God told me and showed me that I would not loose my house. And I know he is the God of the impossible.  But when you see these numbers and nothing coming in it makes it hard to hold on to the faith of him letting me keep the house.  In the physical world it would be wise to sale and get out from under the debts but that would be denying God and his promise.  So I am trusting and hoping he will hurry up and come through because as of today the credit card debt will be four months which means dunnum letter time and they could take the house.  I guess I am praying that I be strong in faith and not worry and get upset because God will come through somehow.

Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
Karen Carter '74