Thanks for the update.  I will keep Matt in prayer for school.  Father in Heaven thank you for watching over the family.  Please continue to do a wonderful work in Chris.  Thank you for the co-worker being a christain.  Please be with Matt in his review.  Help the counselor to understand that it is the first year and understand adjustment.  Help Matt to know what he needs to do.  In your precious name I pray Amen

Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> Hi guys,
> Well, it has been a while so I thought that an update was probably just
> about due. Actually, life has been okay. Greg just took off with Chris
> for a visit with the probation officer. I think that he will probably be
> in court eventually, but at least he is fairly calm right now. I give
> thanks for that. From what we have been able to tell, from his writing and
> his phone calls, he has been clean and sober pretty much. I think that he
> has had some pot, but the cocaine that he bought over Christmas vacation
> was something other than cocaine. Who knows, he probably paid $40 for a
> teaspoon of baking soda or something. He reported to his friends that
> there was no affect. I just say, "go God!"
> I guess that he mentioned to a coe-worker that he would like to check
> out
> the coe-workers church, so, who knows, he may be attending church this
> Sunday. If it is the one that we think it is, it should be okay. Also,
> his older brother and some other friends on line have been letting him know
> how stupid it is to do drugs. He likes the high, but he seems to indicate
> that drugs are pretty stupid. I don't know, I hope all this behind the
> scenes stuff on our part pays off eventually. I guess that the names that
> we turned in to the police last week resulted in a bunch of searches, but,
> of course, we'll probably never know what was found. If wee get any more
> names, you bet we'll hand them over.
> I'm still praying that he will end up going down to Connecticut to a
> residential program there, but with it being out of state, it is still
> being held as a last resort. The courts have ordered in home, family
> counselling, once a week for now. Of course, this guy isn't a Christian,
> but we have to at least give it a try, so, we'll see.
> I get tired in the afternoon and I get lots of headaches, but I just
> have
> to keep going. It's just the stress, I know that, but things still have to
> get done. My writing is suffering the most for now, and staying connected
> to you guys. Sorry that I've been so quiet lately. I read everything, but
> I don't post much. Actually, Eudora still isn't quite comfortable for me,
> but my frustration level is so low at present that I'm not pushing myself
> to master it for now. You guys are just so patient! Thank you.
> As far as our older son Matt, please pray for him too. He's having a
> review by Calvin tomorrow to see if he should continue there. He did not
> do as well academically as Calvin would like to see and he faces the real
> possibility of dismissal. It's a pretty tough school on that
> score. Academically, Matt can do the work. He just needs to manage his
> time better and respect deadlines more. We gave him a palm pilot for
> Christmas. That helped Greg so much in getting his life together and we're
> pretty sure that it will help Matt too. I don't think that I could handle
> having Matt come home. I know, that sounds crazy when I miss him so much,
> but he needs to be out.
> This list is so quiet lately. I hope that everybody is okay. I know
> that
> Phil and I are in the same boat as far as football is
> concerned. Sometimes life is rough. Oh well, there's always next year.
> God bless,
> Love,
> Kathy