I have already called both.
Jesus made peace between God and man by dying in our place.
Karen Carter '74

AFA Online - America's Leading Pro-Family Online Action Site


Please forward this to your family and friends!


Inauguration Committee giving misleading, false information

Dear Karen,

Last week I learned that Kid Rock will perform at the Youth Concert at the Presidential Inauguration. Kid Rock represents everything that Values Voters voted against in the last election. For information on Kid Rock, click here.

We asked a few of our supporters to call the Presidential Inauguration Committee (PIC) and ask that Kid Rock be uninvited. We were hoping that this situation would be resolved without becoming a major issue. Those who called were told that what AFA had said about Kid Rock performing was only an Internet rumor, that AFA did not know what we were talking about and that AFA was not telling the truth.

Elisabeth Bumiller, writing in the January 3 edition of the New York Times, confirmed that Kid Rock would perform. She wrote: "The Bush twins, Jenna and Barbara, will be hosts of the youth concert, where the teenage singer JoJo will appear along with Kid Rock." An article in WorldNetDaily also confirmed Kid Rock's appearance.

I called PIC once on Thursday and three times on Friday and asked to speak with Mr. Greg Jenkins, Executive Director of PIC. Each time I was told that he was busy. I left messages for Mr. Jenkins to please return my calls. He did not. I contacted a U.S. Senator's high-level staff person who did speak with Mr. Jenkins and asked him to please call me concerning the situation. Still, no call.

I urge you to send an email asking PIC to uninvite Kid Rock, and then forward this email to a least one friend. After you send the email, please call and ask that Kid Rock be uninvited.


The following information will also appear after you send your email. PIC's number is 202-863-2005. If the phone is busy, call until you get through. If you do not get a satisfactory answer, I suggest you call the Republican National Committee. Their number is 202-863-8500. Ask them to express your displeasure with the choice of Kid Rock. Maybe RNC can convince PIC to uninvite Kid Rock.

Thanks for caring enough to get involved.



Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

P.S. Please make a donation to help continue our efforts. Click here

It's Not Gay: This 28-minute video presents a story that few have heard, allowing former homosexuals the opportunity to tell their own story in their own words. Along with medical and mental health experts, these individuals express a clear warning that the sanitized version of homosexuality being presented to students is not the whole truth.

Spiritual Heritage Tours - Tours of Washington, D.C. and Mount Vernon with an emphasis on America's Christian heritage, led by AFA president Tim Wildmon and AFR general manager Marvin Sanders.

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