<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I received several responses to my implusive post about eating black barley
in Trader Joe's brown rice medley.  They are summarized below [with my
obnoxious comments in brackets].   I closed with some humorous words of
wisdom from Jackie.  ~Valerie in Tacoma
What is veratrum alba?

[A homeopathic remedy for diarrhea.  I've heard it stops many of the
symptoms of a gluten reaction very quickly, even headache & nausea.
Veratrum Alba is available at some health food stores, some pharmacies,
naturopathic dispensaries and on line.  I've heard from quite a few on this
list that it's a good thing to keep on hand.]
Boy, I tore upstairs and grabbed my rice container and I have Trader Joes
California Rice Medley which has the 3 RICE varieties. Thank goodness! I
suggest you try it. It has the wild rice, brown rice and basmati rice. Thank
you so much for the scoop on the brown rice medly. That's what makes this
list so invaluable!
[Aha!  That is the brown rice mix I have bought at Trader Joe's before.  I
assumed I had purchased the same product this time, but I failed to read the
label. "Shows to go ya" how important it is to read labels!
I'm curious, you said something about getting "super weird" from gluten -
how do you get weird :)  Laura

[In the past, even tiny gluten accidents have made me extremely confused,
depressed & socially hostile.  Thankfully, this time I didn't react this
way.  The worst I noticed this time was being a little sleepy and having
trouble typing the day after I ate the barley.  GI symptoms didn't hit until
the next day & all it amounted to was a belly ache.  That's an improvement
from the reactions I used to have when I first went GF nearly 4 years ago.]
Ugh! I did that the other day. I made bean soup and just assumed there were
only beans in the bag. After I ate a bunch, I suddenly saw a little white
thing that looked like... BARLEY! I grabbed the bag out of the trash and saw
the little word "pearl barley" at the very bottom of the ingredients.
Luckily, I didn't have a reaction! There must have been very little in
there. It makes you wonder why they even bother adding it! Chris in NH
The Tinkyada pastas are pure brown rice.  . . .With small amounts of wheat I
may or may not have an obvious reaction.  But with malt (barley) I have
diarrhea within the hour and it'll last for at least a day, more likely 2-3.
  I haven't eaten any plain barley since being diagnosed so I'm not sure how
that would affect me.
I also get very weird from gluten!  I spend too much of my time undoing the
social damage of my gluten sick days....

[I can sure relate to this.  When I know I've been exposed, I usually cancel
as many social appointments as I can, isolate myself & sleep(orcry) it off.
The worst of "brain symptoms" are usually over in 24 hours.]
Hi Valerie - what a bummer!  Good luck being weird for a few days.  It's ok.
  We all are the same way.  Now if we all were weird at the same time a good
part of the working world would be in trouble.  haha  Jackie  (maybe
Washington could do with less gluten lolol)

*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the Celiac List*