I believe. 
Jesus made peace between God and man by dying in our place.
Karen Carter '74

-------------- Original message --------------

> Last night, we had some friends over whom we haven't seen for a couple of
> years. They were members of a church we were in awhile back. The wife is a
> care giver for eight different people. She had been caring for an elderly
> man for several years and the man asked them to move into his large house
> with him which they did. He was not born again. Linda, the wife, led the
> old man to Christ just two days before he died. Ed, the husband of Linda,
> was telling us last night what happened to the old man the very night he
> died. In their bedroom, they have a monitoring intercom so they could
> listen in case he called for help during the night. The night he died, the
> intercom was on. About midnight, Ed and Linda awakened because the man was
> talking. Ed said they could hear the other side of the conversation, that
> is, the other people talking back to him as they carried on a conversation.
> They thought someone had, somehow, gotten into the house. Ed got up and
> went into the old man's bedroom but he was talking to himself. Ed looked
> around but could find no one else. He returned to his bedroom and in the
> intercom, they once again could hear both sides of the conversation. The
> old man was talking to people he knew, such as his mother, who, of course,
> were long passed away. This continued on through the night so Linda finally
> got up and went into the man's room to check on him. She, too, reported
> that no one but the old man was in the room and he was fine. They said,
> after he got saved, he acted, physically, as if he were a new man with a
> brand new body. When Linda returned to their bedroom, the old man was still
> talking to people and Ed and Linda still could hear the other people through
> the intercom to whom the old man was talking. At 5 in the morning, the man
> went to Heaven. It doesn't get much better than that, folks. Jesus is real
> and so is Heaven. Wait until you hear what is going on with George and his
> daughter, Jennifer. If you have trouble believing the story I just told,
> you definitely won't believe what I'm going to tell you about George and his
> daughter.
> Phil.