Subject: Re: Protein Power by Dr Michael and Dr Mary Eades
On Thu, 2 Dec 2004, Ken Stuart wrote:
On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 14:37:21 -0800, Mary <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Now I need an Eades- friendly MD for my husband to go to.
>He won't listen to me! ha ha

>I've found that it is hardest to get relatives and close friends to
listen about

>We tend to give more authority and respect to those we see on TV - and are
thus larger than life - than those we see every day in person, including all
their human frailties and foibles, that make their advice seem more fallible

So sad that the people you care most about seem least likely to listen.  For
children, I highly recommend the pictures in Weston A. Price's book.  We
discuss what happened to the people in the pictures and why.  I think this
has had the most impact, with my own example having perhaps a quarter of the
impact of this book.

My father has a 78 year old friend with diabetes.  We've shared Jerry
Stegenga's writings with him, as his age and experience seem closest to his
own.  His wife is a nurse, and has pressured him to stay on the traditional
medical treatments, with no regard for diet.  He's now losing sight in one
eye.  Too bad we're not strangers, we'd have more credibility.
-Lou Huis