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Can you expand on your propositions on this issue as to where the conspiracy theory fits into the rising activities of gangs in Madison.

Do you have information on the race of these gangs????? and their location?????? 

It has been reported that most of these gangs perpetuating these nefarious activities in Madison are from out of town and a typical example is the debacle at the annual state street halloween parties. There is no doubt about the existence of gangs in Madison but please, lets be objective.

As Wilmot pointed out in quotes "With the challenge of motivating our children to focus on education and wholesome activities, we may have the added task of warning and conjuring them about gang involvement". 

I believe this is where our energies should be channeled.


----Original Message Follows----
From: mathew jallow <[log in to unmask]>
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Subject: Re: Gangs in Madison?
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 13:25:34 -0800

This is an attestation to the conspiracy across America by the ruling class to encourage and perpetuate drugs and gang violence in every black neighbourhood in America. This will result to three things;
- addiction and black-on-black crime
- school drop-out and prostitution
- an uneducated and poor underclass
- the continued and accelerated distruction of the black family in America.
Can you imagine the thousands of black kids who are killed each year? How about the number of those lucky to live only to end up in America's black gulags or prison system. It took the American Black Distruction Industrial prison system more than two hundred years to 1994 to reach the one million inmate mark, but can you imagine since 1994, a mere ten years that number has doubled to more than two million, and I think 60% of the prisin inmates are black.
There is a war going on in America against the blackman and the U.S. justice system is wittingly or unwittingly leading this charge. This is like genocide my brothers and sisters. Where is the outrage?

"Wilmot B. Valhmu" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
** Please visit our website: http://www.africanassociation.org **

Hi, everyone!

I just read earlier in the December 3, 2004 edition of the ISTHMUS newspaper some very scary accounts of rising gang activities in Madison schools and neighborhoods. If this holds true, it is quite distressing.

Madison is a lovely city to live in. I've often bragged to my family, friends, and acquintances about the relative absence of crime in Madison. I even go as far as citing the statistic of only one murder in the whole of Dane County, not just Madison, in 2003. Now with police reports of gang activities and shootings, my heart sinks.

With the challenge of motivating our children to focus on education and wholesome activities, we may have the added task of warning and conjuring them about gang involvement.

May the Lord God Almighty grant our kids hearing ears and loads of wisdom!

- Wilmot

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