KKC wrote:

>I have not been able to make the switch to all raw food yet. Not sure I will
>ever be able to, but I am working towards it. I am intolerant to avocadoes
>but love them. Once I clear the allergy I plan on adding them back in and
>rotating them. I was staying away from nuts because I always feel I don't
>feel as good when eating them adn I can't stop myself once I start, but may
>consider adding them back in.
Try various types of nuts to see which one you prefer - there are
Brazil, almond (soaked overnight improves them when eaten without their
skins), pine, macadamia, cashew, etc.  I find that I can only eat a
couple of brazils but can eat many pine nuts or cashews.  Naturally, it
is hard to stop eating macadamias! :-)

>>One of my favorite fats to chew on is suet:  melts slowly in the mouth,
>Where does one get suet?
Suet from a good organic butcher - it is the hard fat around the kidneys
and loins from cows, bison, mutton, etc.  Look for a local "Halal"
butcher - they do it organically.  Non-organic is not good since the
suet will likely be full of toxins.  I have mail-ordered bison suet from
NorthStar bison in Wisconsin, US (they also have a web site).

