It says that in the Bible raise a child in the way they shall go and they will return onto it.  Sometimes it takes longer than what we would like.  Keep praying.
In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'
-------------- Original message --------------

> Hey Kathy my daughter went through a really rough time and gave me a run for
> my money when she was a teenager. She ended up spending a weekend in a
> place for troubled teens and it scared her and slowly, she turned her life
> around. Now I'm a grandma, with a lovely three year old and she's expecting
> another. So I guess all I am saying is hang in there. I had a friend tell
> me while my daughter was going through her trials, "If they're raised with
> God in their hearts when they're young, they will eventually come back.
> She's not a Christian, though I tried to raise her as one, but she has a
> good heart and I'm still praying.