Dear friends and family
Please keep me in your prayers.  A few years ago when I was laid off God promised me I would keep my house.  He is the one who intrusted it to me.  Well I have finally ran out of money and the friends that have been helping ran out too.  Right now I paid tythes, a house payment, a phone bill and nothing else.  All the other bill are behind and I have not paid my lot rent yet.  So I am waiting on the Lord.  Pray that I not worry becuase of his promises and that some how he will provide the money I need.  Actually I prefer a job.  But what ever his will is.  My monthly bills are 13,000.00 and my income is 701.00.  I know he will continue to provied .  He did not put a light in my bathroom for nothing.  It was his promise to me.  
In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'