I apologize for the Cross-posting, but I thought some of you might find
this of interest.
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Here's this week's programs.  They sound very intersting and you can listen
to them onli    SOUNDPRINT Weekly Update

 This week on SOUNDPRINT

The World at Your Fingertips
Helen Keller said that blindness separates a person from objects, and
deafness separates that person from people. Without support, encouragement
and education, the world of a deaf-blind person can be an isolated one of
darkness and silence. In the documentary "The World at Your Fingertips"
produced by Anna Yeadell of Radio Netherlands, we visit India where more
than half a million people are deaf-blind. But with the help of Sense
International and the Helen Keller Institute in Mumbai, many deaf-blind
children and young adults are reaching out to the world around them,
widening their horizons, and fulfilling their potential. This program airs
as part of the international documentary exchange series, Crossing
A View From the Bridge
Thecla Mitchell is a triple amputee. For her, running in a marathon means
finding complete physical existence within one wrist, one elbow and one set
of fingers. Henry Butler is a blind jazz pianist, but through photography,
Henry has found a meeting ground for the sighted and the sightless.
Producer John Hockenberry, who is himself mobile in a wheelchair, has been
a war correspondent, reporting from the field. He and associate producer
Joe Richman show us what the disabled learn from living in a fundamentally
different way -- where daily adventure is a part of life.[more]

 Soundprint is hosted each week by
 Barbara Bogaev

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