On Fri, 5 Nov 2004 15:06 Jim Swayze wrote:

>Can I use your collective brains?  Sometimes it is helpful to me to
summarize, so here goes:
>GRAINS are bad because:
>1) They offer no nutritional value except for simple sugars (which aren't
healthy in excess because they lead to insulin resistance and the Syndrome
X diseases)
>2) What may be worse, they contain antinutrients and proteins that cause
autoimmune disease (a fact not fully grasped by many paleo devotees)
>Wheat in any form
>Trans fats
Jim, are you asking us to join with you in ranking these foods according
to whether they are:

(a) genuinely Paleo?, or

(b) healthy?

Makes a big difference.  Don't forget - a Paleo eater in the Paleolithic
wouldn't have known what an omega-6 was!
