
1.  Qualify "Dairy" as "Pastuerized Dairy".  Not sure where you think "Raw Dairy" belongs on your list, but I personally would put it in the "GOOD" category based on my current thinking.

2.  Where does beer belong?  It's not OK in moderation?

3.  My nominees for the top 2 worst "foods" are trans fats and sugars, almost all kinds, excluding raw honey, but including fruit juices.  I'm not sure that MSG and Aspartame belong in the same category as these 2, dunno.

Trans fats are probably the worst, they're arguably bad for 100% of the population.  Wheat, OTOH, seems to be really bad for some, not as bad for others.

Might want to check out Mercola's "5 Worst Foods".  His list makes me think that you might want to include sodas and fried foods in there somehow.

> Can I use your collective brains?  Sometimes it is helpful to me to summarize,
> so here goes:
> GRAINS are bad because:
> 1) They offer no nutritional value except for simple sugars (which aren't
> healthy in excess because they lead to insulin resistance and the Syndrome X
> diseases)
> 2) What may be worse, they contain antinutrients and proteins that cause
> autoimmune disease (a fact not fully grasped by many paleo devotees)
> Wheat in any form
> Trans fats
> Aspartame
> Slightly LESS BAD
> Oats, rice, corn
> Dairy
> Peanuts, soy, or any beans
> Potatoes
> OK in moderation
> Carbohydrates (incl. honey, fruit juice)
> Salt
> Alcohol (wine not beer)
> Caffeine
> Saturated fat, cholesterol (I love starting off with that)
> Omega 6's and Omega 3's in balance, mono- and polyunsaturated fats
> Protein
> Tree Nuts
> Low glycemic fruits
> Vegetables
> Organic foods
> Grassfed/Free Range/Natural Diet meats
> Wild fruits and vegetables
> Your comments/suggestions/disagreements/additions to this somewhat random list
> appreciated!
> --
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