** Please visit our website: http://www.africanassociation.org **

The electoral committee of the African Association of Madison, Inc. is still calling for nominations to this year's elections. As of now there have been no nominations. The committee will like to encourage members to fully participate in the process and keep the Association alive.


The successful running of the Association ensures the continuity of this lively and active list serve which is providing a forum for us to share our passionate views on our motherlands as well as other international and domestic issues.


Do not sit on the fence, get on board to keep AAM going.


We await your nominations.


The elections will be conducted at the Fourth General Meeting to be held on

December 5, 2004.



-Only members in good standing (dues paid) may vote or be voted for

-Electoral Officers cannot be elected

-Electoral Officers may not nominate or endorse a nominee but may vote

-Current (2004) executive committee members except the Vice President are eligible for nominations for another term in office

-Nominees must have at least one (1) nominator and at least one (1) endorser

-Nominees, nominator(s) and endorser(s) must be member(s) of AAM in good standing (dues paid).  Interested parties who have not paid their 2004 annual dues may do so by election day.

-Nominations will to be accepted till election's day.     

Email all nominations to any of the following email address; [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]

or mail to:

      African Association of Madison, Inc.

      P.O.Box 1016

      Madison, WI 53710-1016

The Electoral Committee is hereby calling for nominations for the following positions for the 2005 Executive Committee of the African Association of Madison:

 1. Vice President

 2. Secretary

 3. Treasurer

 4. Financial Secretary


Electoral Committee:

Joe Brewoo - Chair

Dr. Ademola Iyi-Eweka

Peter Enemuoh


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