And come to think of it, Cuyler hasn't exactly denied that they eat polar bear or snow cones for T'giving up there, so it must be true.
Oh no, now you too are talking like the little bush about not denying what might have thought to have been a sometimes negative probability of possibility.   Sounds like turkey-talk is contagious !
The only polar bears I have seen were in San Diego Zoo and were green.   It seemed that algae grew inside their hollow hairs in that nice warm sunny climate.   (actually, the Vancouver Zoo had some polar bears too, and they were also a sort of green in the corners, but that was mostly because of rolling in their do do.)
Our TG dinner today did have "Apple Snow" for desert, a mixture of apple sauce and cream blended together.   Too balmy for the real stuff.   We also picked ripe raspberries for breakfast this morning.
cp in well fed bc