A big Amen to that Pat.  I always pray.  Lord have mercy on this sinful country for it know not what it is doing.

In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> Jen,
> Amen! Amen! to what you said at the bottom! God Bless America! God help
> this failing country! Lord, please come soon!
> We don't need John Kerry in office! Lord, please help this country!
> Love and many blessings,
> Pat Ferguson
> At 03:06 AM 10/19/04, you wrote:
> >Hi all. I found this quote in one of the newsletters i subscribe too and it
> >shocked me!
> >
> >***quote from carrey***
> >"The battle against terrorism is not and must not be a modern crusade
> >against Islam." "I will treat the United Nations as a full partner...
> >[w]e must seek not only to renew the mandate of the U.N., but to
> >reform its operations and revitalize its capacity." "As president, I
> >will be prepared early on to explore areas of mutual interest with
> >Iran..." "Over the longer term, to prevail in the war on terror, we
> >must build new bridges to the Islamic world. " "Now, on Islam, you
> >know, what's happened is we've allowed the radical Islamists to define
> >what is happening too much, and moderates have been intimidated. What
> >we need are the world's religious leaders to be brought together, of
> >all faiths. I would envision the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury,
> >the Dalai Lama -- the great religious figures of the planet -- to
> >begin to help the world to see the ways in which Islam is not, in
> >fact, a threat, and to isolate those who are, and to give people the
> >strength to be able to come together in a global effort ..." "As
> >president, I will elevate non-proliferation to the top of the global
> >agenda..." "There are a number of uniquely qualified Americans among
> >whom I would consider appointing (as Israeli Presidential Ambassador),
> >including President Carter, former Secretary of State James Baker or,
> >as I suggested almost two years ago, President Clinton." "Terrorist
> >organizations with specific political agendas may be encouraged and
> >emboldened by Yasser Arafat's transformation from outlaw to
> >statesman."
> >
> >- Presidential candidate John Kerry
> >
> >
> >Scarey... Another reason we must pray for mr. Bush to stay in office!
> >Jenifer Barr.
> >Waiting for HIS soon return!
> >AIM: jenibear1998
> >msn
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