BE in prayer always that the Lord will gird us up and open our eyes when needed.  If we know the truth, we will know a fraud.  Like you say.

In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> Very true. I heard a wise preacher say if we focus on the right in the
> world, God's word, if we focus on truth, fallacy or untruth and deception
> will stand out automatically and we'll not have to be concerned looking for
> it coming out from the mirky cracks in life. A small simplistic analogy
> might be dieting. If we focus on the negative, all we can't have anymore,
> all the presumably not very tasty food, healthy food, we must eat, how far
> will we get, how we deceive ourselves that we will see the truth, that
> healthy stuff can indeed be tasty and good for you and focusing on that. If
> you've ever gone a long time without eating sugar or dare I say chocolate,
> and ate only fruits and veggies and healthy stuff, then bit a candy bar,
> not only does it not taste as good as you once remembered but you
> feel rung out, and yet anxious at the same time, you feel as though you've
> eaten something that didn't agree with you. You don't have to focus on what
> was right and wrong at that point, as it stood out for itself. Consuming it
> everyday however, you cannot tell it is not good for you because you've
> become accustomed to it's affects on your life.
> Forgive me chocolateers. Truth hurts lol.
> Brad
> Kathy Du Bois wrote:
> >Hi Helen,
> >Well, I just remember all the talk in the 90s about Clinton being the
> >anti-Christ and, to be truthful, I'm just tired of all the guessing games
> >that we seem to so easily fall into to try to figure out the last
> >chapter. When we focus on that, we are not focused on Christ and that is
> >where we need to be concentrating. God is in control, no matter who may
> >think that he or she is. I want to be with the one who is in the
> >ultimate control and not waste energy on trying to figure out what he
> >already knows. I trust HIM Thanks for the dittos.!
> >Kathy
> >
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> Brad
> Northwestern Wisconsin and Greater Twin Cities classified connection!