Message-Id: <[]>

Dave wrote:
   >Acssb would be interesting to experiment with on the amateur bands.
   >I think it hasn't caught on do to the fact that digital
   >communications techniques such as apco25 and such are the next
   >communications frontier.
True these days, but it's been around if I recall for about the last
decade or a bit more, possibly even two.  I was surprised more folks
weren't playing with it, especially in commercial services where that
added bit of range would be helpful.
THink of the added range one might get from a repeater system using
acsb techniques if one didn't have the newer digital modes on the
horizon.  NO more listening to your buddy who tunes ssb sounding
somewhat like DOnald duck or the guy who can't understand what zero
beat net control means <grin>.

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions
almost 50% of those at ground zero on 9/11/01 still have
longterm health problems.  Almost half of those have no health insurance.

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