In message , Mitch O <[log in to unmask]> writes
>I found that whenever I had Milk
>+ byproducts, I often get a Migraine headache. I told a doctor about it
>and he said that there is no relation
>So to sum things up, I get Migraine headaches when I have milk + all
>byproducts, and I was wondering if other people experience the same thing?
>Of course I also get the typical lactose intolerant reaction as well...
>Thanks, Mitch

Hello Mitch and Bonnie

Many different things trigger migraines for different people. Milk was a
culprit for my Mother. A doctor can't say there is no relation. One
man's meat is another man's poison where migraine is concerned.

I avoid all dairy products, eggs, pork/ham/bacon, coffee, chocolate &
malt extract. I eliminated these products from my diet when I started
having stomach problems, and thought that the best place to start was
with the foods which were implicated in Mother's migraines.

The same products turned out to affect both of us, but where Mother had
a migraine, I had stomach cramps, diarrhoea, etc. I do also get
migraines, and the avoidance of coffee (in fact all caffeine, so I avoid
tea and guarano too) and chocolate is more for migraines than my

There are migraine lists out there if you're interested:

migrainesbgone is a Yahoo group which will send you all the posts by
email. I think this link will work to get you to the group: - if it doesn't,
email me privately and I'll provide a better link, as it's only on-topic
to discuss migraines here if you are discussing those which are
triggered by milk. (As you were doing.)

Here's an online headache forum run by Massachusetts General Hospital: - about half
the people who post there suffer from migraines.

Helen Edith Stephenson  <[log in to unmask]>