> Could someone please tell me about skin tags. I missed the first letter  regarding this. I think that may be what I have on my Chest. ***********************************************************

To quote  Ann Jones:
"Skin tags are like little moles. Mine range in color from my Anglo Saxon pastywhite to darker brown, depending on the amount of melanin. They tend to be long and thin instead of round and are attached by a little itty bitty thread like piece of tissue. They tend to grow in areas where fiction takes place, like around my neck and in my underarms and all along my braline."  That applies to mine as well.  I got them on my neck and upper chest and at one time my MD said "You've got a virtual collar of them." Having the dermatologist remove them was a waste of time because they'd come right back.  Now, thankfully, they are gone.  Thanks Skipper and Monica for your emails.


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