<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you to all of you who responded to my post.  I posted the question
about smoking, CD and GF diet because my titers continue to be elevated
even though I follow a strict GF diet.

Most of the responses I received stated that smoking has not had an effect
on their GF status.  Three people said that smoking causes them to have
flare ups.  One person sent this website
http://www.quitsmoking.about.com/cs/nicotineinhaler/.  The site lists all
ingredients of cigarettes - a total of three pages and includes wheat flour
extract as an additive to cigarettes.  One person questioned the gluten
content in the glue used on the paper.

There were a few people who responded asking why anyone would even start
smoking to begin with and referred me to


*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the CELIAC List*