<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Are you tired of cooking and eating at home every night?  When you go out
to eat, are you tired of ordering a hamburger without a bun and a baked
potato?  Don't you wish you knew where to buy Gluten-free food locally?
Members of stlouisalerts get e-mails weekly, often daily, indicating that
one of us has found a product at the grocery store that states Gluten
Free!  We e-mail each other about restaurants that actually understand the
term Gluten Free.  We let each other know about a physician who has been
very helpful and understanding.

Each of us subscribing to stlouisalerts is dedicated to making the lives
of Celiacs in the St. Louis, MO area and Belleville, IL areas just a bit
easier, one day at a time.

If you wish to join stlouisalerts, you may e-mail:  stlouisalerts-
[log in to unmask]  They will walk you through a simple process to
add your e-mail address to our group.  Of course, this is a free service
and you may unsubscribe at any time.

Please e-mail me if you wish to receive a list of restaurants in the area
that others have recommended.  I have a list of 37 to date.  I will also
send you some of the past e-mails from the past 2 years before we joined
the Yahoo website. After you register with Yahoo, you may go to:
http://health,groups.yahoo.com/group/stlouisalerts.  You will be asked for
your password and you may read all of the messages posted since January
2004 when we joined Yahoo.

Please add stlouisalerts to your favorites when you join so that you, too,
can post your great (or not so great) experiences to help us all.    Marian

* Please remember some posters may be WHEAT-FREE, but not GLUTEN-FREE *