Hi Vinnie,  God used the computer so that you and Paul could talk one more time.  Pual may have had to know that you were still good friends.  I know God works in mysterious ways.  Isn't great to know you will see him again when Jesus returns for us, or individually he will be waiting there for you with the rest of your loved ones.

In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> ------=_NextPart_000_0022_01C487AF.FEBDBA90
> Content-Type: text/plain;
> charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Hi Everyone,
> Well it has been one day short of two months since I have been with you =
> and I have sure missed you, but I have had a crazy summer thus far.
> First of all, on June 22, my computer was either hit by a power surge, =
> or lightning--I don't know what. Or it may have just been =
> cooincidental. The crazy thing is that nothing else plugged into the =
> outlet bar was damaged. There wasn't even a burned out smell from the =
> laptop.
> The bad thing is that I had let my warrantee lapse with dell just the =
> week before. The wanted to sell me one for $200 to cover two years, and =
> I said no. To fix the mother board without the warrantee would have =
> been $850. the computer was three years old anyway, so I decided to =
> get a computer that could work with xp.
> As I was shopping around, my church community where I live, an d another =
> neighboring church gave me enough money to buy a new computer and =
> upgrade my window-eyes. How the Lord provides.
> Now, if you are folling this so far, here comes the twist in the story.
> I had a very close friend in Alaska, who is also blind, Paul =
> Fitzpatrick. When my computer blew, I phoned him and told him about it. =
> Previous to this phone call, Paul and I had kind of drifted apart in =
> our relationship. Basically, the reason for that was that he couldn't =
> understand why I was not a techie like he was, and I guess he was tired =
> of my asking him what to do and how to fix computer situations that I =
> would get into.
> Anyway, Paul and I had the best talk we had had in a long time, and when =
> I hung up, I almost felt high with joy that we had such good =
> communication. So he told me what I needed in a new computer Etc. Etc.
> One month ago today on July 21st, a mutual minister for Paul and I came =
> to my house and told me that Paul had suddenly gone to be with the Lord =
> du to a massive heart attack. He had been having some health problems, =
> but the doctors never diagnosed them correctly.
> So my wife and I drove up to Haines Alaska for the memorial service. =
> Well, he had tons and tons of braille things, and no one knew what they =
> were, or what to do with them, so I stayed for a week to sort through I =
> had a time deadline so it was quite an exhausting week.
> So in all that, it makes me think that the Lord allowed that destroyed =
> computer so I could call Paul and have such a great talk with him. So =
> what do you guys think?
> Anyway, it's good to be back. Any of you hear from Carol and Gail?
> God bless.
> Love to all,
> Vinny
> ------=_NextPart_000_0022_01C487AF.FEBDBA90
> Content-Type: text/html;
> charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> > charset=3Diso-8859-1">
Hi Everyone,

Well it has been one day short of two months since I have been with =
> you and=20
> I have sure missed you, but I have had a crazy summer thus far.

First of all, on June 22, my computer was either hit by a power =
> surge, or=20
> lightning--I don't know what.  Or it may have just been=20
> cooincidental.  The crazy thing is that nothing else plugged into =
> the=20
> outlet bar was damaged.  There wasn't even a burned out smell from =
> the=20
> laptop.

The bad thing is that I had let my warrantee lapse with dell just =
> the week=20
> before.  The wanted to sell me one for $200 to cover two years, and =
> I said=20
> no.  To fix the mother board without the warrantee would have been=20
> $850.   the computer was three years old anyway, so I decided =
> to get a=20
> computer that could work with xp.

As I was shopping around, my church community where I live, an d =
> another=20
> neighboring church gave me enough money to buy a new computer and =
> upgrade my=20
> window-eyes.  How the Lord provides.


Now, if you are folling this so far, =
> here comes the=20
> twist in the story.

I had a very close friend in Alaska, who is also blind, Paul=20
> Fitzpatrick.  When my computer blew, I phoned him and told him =
> about=20
> it.  Previous to this phone call, Paul and I had kind of drifted =
> apart in=20
> our relationship.  Basically, the reason for that was that he =
> couldn't=20
> understand why I was not a techie like he was, and I guess he was tired =
> of my=20
> asking him what to do and how to fix computer situations that I would =
> get=20
> into.

Anyway, Paul and I had the best talk we had had in a long time, and =
> when I=20
> hung up, I almost felt high with joy that we had such good =
> communication. =20
> So he told me what I needed in a new computer Etc. Etc.

One month ago today on July 21st, a mutual minister for Paul and I =
> came to=20
> my house and told me that Paul had suddenly gone to be with the Lord du =
> to a=20
> massive heart attack.  He had been having some health problems, but =
> the=20
> doctors never diagnosed them correctly.

So my wife and I drove up to Haines Alaska for the memorial =
> service. =20
> Well, he had tons and tons of braille things, and no one knew what they =
> were, or=20
> what to do with them, so I stayed for a week to sort through  I had =
> a time=20
> deadline so it was quite an exhausting week.

So in all that, it makes me think that the Lord allowed that =
> destroyed=20
> computer so I could call Paul and have such a great talk with him.  =
> So what=20
> do you guys think?


Anyway, it's good to be back.  Any =
> of you hear=20
> from Carol and Gail?


God bless.

Love to all,


> ------=_NextPart_000_0022_01C487AF.FEBDBA90--