I'm not terribly old - certainly not old enough to have naturally occurring osteoporosis. But when I went to my doctor recently and found out that I'm now an inch and one half shorter, I got alarmed.
After 25 years of absolutely no dairy (and very little calcium in my diet), I have alarmingly low bone density.
This is just a gentle reminder that all who are off dairy need to find a plentiful, dairy-free source of calcium to make up for the deficit. (My endochrinologist tells me Calcium Citrate is among the best). Look for a supplement that is specifically labeled to not contain milk or milk-derived products if allergy or lactose intolerance are factors for you. There are several brands (including relatively inexpensive store brands) labeled this way.
Time passes, and your body, which needs calcium for a variety of purposes, takes calcium from whereever it can find it. If you don't eat any, your bones are the place it comes from.
And now a less gentle reminder: If you don't want to get shorter and you don't want to suffer spontaneous bone breaks at an early age, take your calcium religiously.