We are in the process of upgrading the adaptive technology workstation that we use for both students and public patrons (as we are a joint library with Front Range Community College).   While I was on vacation, the adaptive specialist for the College updated some of the software on this computer and removed one of the programs, much to my dismay.

Originally, we had the following installed:   Jaws, Ruby Open Book, Wynn, Dragon Naturally Speaking, and Zoomtext. I researched  these programs 4 years ago and we felt that we were covering a wide range of disabilities with these programs.  I haven't had time to research them since, and so I don't really know what new capabilities they have.

The program the specialist removed was the JAWS screen reader.  He said it was because the newer versions of Ruby Open Book do everything that Jaws can do and so it wasn't necessary to have both.  This was not the case 4 years ago, when I did my research, so now I'm wondering if this is true or if he really doesn't understand the differences between the two programs?   Has anyone used the latest Ruby Open Book (sorry I don't know the version number)? What do you think?  Is he correct?

Also, if you look at the the programs that I listed above, is there any overlap in coverage?  I know Zoomtext will do some screen reading, but in the versions that I initially installed, Jaws worked much more effectively and was also more widely known by blind patrons (so they didn't have to learn how to use it when they came to the library).

We are planning to move this station out to a public area and so will probably remove Dragon, but I would like to see the other programs (Wynn, Ruby, Jaws, and Zoomtext) stay.  What do you think?

Thanks for you help,


Veronica Smith
Automation Coordinator
Westminster Public Library
3705 W. 112th Ave.
Westminster, CO 80031
(303) 404-5110

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