-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of David Lant
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 5:54 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [Winbridge] Window Bridge available again

Hi George,

Thanks for the info.  I'll be heading over there pronto.  I suspect
there's quite a bit of ground to be made up, especially as the XP
version wasn't out yet at the demise of Syntha-Voice.  Hopefully I won't
swamp them too much with ideas and suggestions that I've got backed up
from a couple of years ago, added to by the continuing frustrations with
JAWS. <grin>

All the best,


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 12 July 2004 09:02 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: FW: [Winbridge] Window Bridge available again


I can think of at least one list member for whom
the following might cause en eyebrow to be


-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask]
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Travis Siegel
Sent: 12 July 2004 08:23
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [Winbridge] Window Bridge available again

Ok folks, here it is:
After more than a year and a half of negotiations
with the brother of the previous owner of wb, I've
obtained the rights to the source, and have now
began making plans for a new version of window
bridge.  You can get the entire story on http://www.windowbridge.ws.
Mailing list, website info, and technical support are all available
there. I admit it's petty sparse at the moment, but I'll be working to
remedy that over the next couple months.  I'm hoping to have a new
version out by the end of the year if all goes well. I made the
announcement at the ACB conventon in Alabama this past week, and the
reception was fairly good.  I spent the entire convention time talking
to folks, vendors, and resellers to see who would be interested in
working with us to get wb back out there.  While I can't give a whole
lot of details, I can tell you that there are a few hardware companies
that are either willing now, or will be after they see a new version to
sell wb with their products, and there's at least one company that wants
to incorportate wb into their offerings as a standard reader for their
products as well.  Overall, I'm extremely pleased with the outcome of
the converence, and I hope to be a vendor myself in a year or two. Feel
free to send in bug reports, feature requests, and anything else you
think may be of use to me in producing a new version.  And please join
the mailing list on the web site, so that I can get a feel for how many
registered users we have still.  There's no record of past users, so I'm
going to offer those folks a very good deal for getting all future
releases for life just so they're not abandon due to the changeing of
hands on the product.  Watch the web site for updates and more
information as it becomes available.  The manual has been updated with
new contact information, so feel free to go there and download it and
get in touch with us. We're very excited about the product now, and if
all works out, we think everyone else will be too.

a list for discussion of the window-bridge screen
reader [log in to unmask]

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