Oil of oregano -- buy super strength liquid version from North American
Herbs.  Add 1-2 drops (that's it -- just drops) to water and drink on an
empty stomach -- I would suggest an hour away from food.

I know I've recommended this stuff so much on various post responses and
probably sound like a broken record -- but it really is a wonderful
product.  It even works on inflamed cuts/abrasions -- my husband had this
cut that was really red, inflamed etc and he tried regular over the counter
stuff to no avail -- as a last ditch suggestion I said try a drop of
oregano oil and cover with a bandaid overnight -- voila -- by morning the
inflammation was gone.

FYI  -- for those interested in the antioxidant power of oregano oil --
check out how it stacks up against other high antioxidant foods at this


I think it's outstanding antioxidant content is what accounts for it's wide
ranging health/medicinal benefits.