
I don't operate as much CW as I used to, but it is still an important
consideration to me.  You can use the TS2000 in full break in; if it uses
relays, they are certainly extremely quiet, as I don't notice any clicking or
anything on break-in mode.  And, you could hear a character between letters,
but not in the middle of sending an element, assuming you have decent speed.

Now, for some other features you might be interested in.  If you look at the
manual, you'll notice that the built-in keyer has adjustments for speed,
weighting, and you can even use the thing in bug mode, which I do enjoy once
in awhile.  Secondly, the sidetone is adjustable from 400HZ to 1000KHz in 50HZ
steps.  There is also a function on the rig which will automatically zero-beat
you within I think 25HZ of the station you want to work.

If you want to know more about this rig, you can download the manual and a
keyboard guide at  Also, I'd be glad to QSO
with you.  Don't know where you are in Ontario, but with my beam we may be
able to reach a mutual repeater.  It has nothing to do with CW, but I'm really
impressed by the sensitivity of the 2000 on 2 FM.
