On Wed, 23 Jun 2004 08:25:43 EDT, Jerry Stegenga <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

 This time I will stay on a no CHO plan until I see  results, I am
>trying to lose weight. 50 pounds in fact. I weigh 230 pounds and  am 5' 11
>1/2" tall, heavy frame. My ideal weight should be about 175 pounds,  which
>what I weighed when I was 21.

How much have you lost since starting low-carb?

Another thought I had is that you are a diabetic and many diabetics also
have low/sluggish thyroid.  A low thyroid function will make it very
difficult to lose weight on any regime.  If you do get your thyroid
checked -- make sure they do a free t3 and free t4 -- not just TSH.  Also,
many people can't lose weight unless TSH is under 2 despite the fact that
the "normal" range on some labs go all the way up to 5+.  (for more info on
this -- http://thyroid.about.com/od/thyroidbasicsthyroid101/index.htm?

Also, the fact that you are a diabetic may make it tougher to lose even on
zero carbs -- certainly not impossible, just may take a bit longer.

Finally, try adding some moderate exercise (brisk walking + some weight
training) -- which diabetics should be doing anyway.