I am considering starting a Palaeolithic diet but have some concerns with
respect to my short and long term goals.  Is it possible to gain muscle
while on this diet?  Conventional wisdom states that carbs, even simple
ones, are required for heavy weight lifting.  What protein sources would be
most readily absorbed?  I currently use protein powder (whey) but as this is
dairy, I assume it would be out.

I am a healthy male, 40 years old, 5’10” and about 160lbs with 10-12% body
fat.  My goal is to weigh 170 lbs and a body fat % of about 10%.  I hope to
be able to do this within 6 months, but if it takes a year or more, I’m okay
with that too.  I don’t have a problem with putting on a bit of fat, as it
comes off pretty fast when I cut carbs.  I’m doing this purely for aesthetic

Any advice or experience with this sort of thing?  I’ve searched through the
archives, but most of the info involves reducing body fat which really
doesn’t apply to me.

Thanks in advance for any info provided.

