"Those waiting to unseat me and and my government in the 2006 presidential
elections would be very surprised and humiliated with the outcome of the
elections. They should note that my government cannot be unseated in 2006
and some of those plotting against me would not even participate in the next
presidential election as they would not be living witnesses."

Some of those making noises today will not be living witnesses to the 2006
elections." However, the President did not say how or why those critics of
his would not be ‘living witnesses’ in 2006.(Dailiobserver June 18)

"But today, the bulk of the opposition towards my government are all from
the Mandinka ethnic group because they are made to believe that no other
tribe should rule The Gambia except them which is totally wrong as every
Gambian has the legitimate right to rule the country.

Today they claim to own The Gambia but anyone wanting to play the politics
of tribalism will be crushed as I would not allow instability in The Gambia.
" (Daili Observer)

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