<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear fellow celiacs,

Help! I cannot think of anything else I can do.

My friend has 2 daughters ages 7 and 9. They are adorable. BUT--the seven
year old is normal height, but skin and bones.

The nine year old is shorter than her sister---she is shorter than my 5
year old girl!!!

Her doctor gave her blood work prescriptions/orders last summer 2003 to
get the blood testing for celiac done. My friend's husband has told her he
will not let her get the testing done---and she just goes along without
arguing.  ARRGGGHHH!

His Mother---(my friend's mother-in-law) has celiac--so the genes are

I can bear with an adult who will not get tested---but not a parent
refusing to test the children!!!!

I watched the girls turn green yesterday after they ate a sandwich--and
they got very quiet....I need help with any ideas.

I have given my friend a lot of literature and articles, but it is not


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