I posted last evening regarding my inability to open IE because of an error message...the error code that I'm receiving is: Invalid Page Fault in Module
MSVCRT.DLL @ 0177:78015427

I'd like to add that when I went into properties for the MSVCRT.Dll file the file number is: 6.10.8293.0 which does not line up with any of the listed files on the MS data base.

I've run SFC and there are NO corrupt files detected...also did a thorough scan and defragged.  I empty all temporary internet files regularly, have run spybot and adaware...no major problems.  I have the free version of AVG installed and it checks for viruses and worms upon start-up...no problems detected.  I keep the bare minimum on the start-up menu and have verified that there are no snags in my cable connection.  So it seems the problem
is associated with the MSVCRT.Dll file.  I'm having a hard time opening any web addresses...and it took me many tries to get the post section to open to write out this message.  Help!!  Anyone have any ideas or suggestions??  Thanks!  Jacquelyn Baker

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