
The paleodiet list is suppose to only discuss the diet.  The danger is including
social factors would do a few things 1) create lots of 'spirited' discussions
on religion, politics and lifestyle that would prolly destroy the list and 2)
take away from the focus of this list, diet.  I think there a few other lists
where you can discuss these other interests.  I've been guilty of gettin off
topic on occasion, as have others.  Don has been pretty tolerant of my
transgressions and alot slides by without rebuke if you move quickly on.  I
think this list is pretty selective in the sense you need to make some 'strong'
ties to diet with a post and you shouldnt encourage discussion outside that

  Kind regards,


On Fri, 14 May 2004 19:47:59 +0000, Molly Kate McGinn wrote:

> pretty selective, what gets considered appropriate....
> Molly
> On 14 May 2004 at 21:24, Tim Rowell wrote:
> > This is the Paleolithic Eating Support List.  From the welcome
> > message:
> >