Another interesting exchange.  It seems the whole mess is abit confusing.  I
generally eat very low carb from week to week with occasional 'spurges' when I
feel like it.  In general, I try to keep them paleo, but I've been known to
have a bowl of icecream and even CAKE (!!!)  at a birthday party!  Don't tell!
;)  Personally, I'm interested in effects of protein 'gorging' wrt insulin, fat
and all that.  Mostly cause I've been known to chew three a 3lb+ roast on
occasion and if the results are 'favorable' I may have less guilt with my
gluttony. :)  Looks like I have some more reading to do.


On Fri, 14 May 2004 16:47:46 +0000, Marilyn Harris wrote:

> Loren Cordain wrote:
> >      I agree that that carbohydrate mixed with fat generally results
> >in a lower glycemic (blood glucose) response.   My point here was that
> >the insulin response to fat + carbohydrate is greater than to
> >carbohydrate alone because of the stimulatory effect of fat ingestion
> >upon glucose-dependent insulino-tropic polypeptide (GIP) (5).
> >