Soffie, this is a brilliant piece , representing the Gambian situation.
Thanks. Sis.

>From: "Ceesay, Soffie" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [>-<] Jammeh's invitation is a travesty.
>Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 13:17:52 -0700
>All indications are that the school is letting stand their invitation of
>Yaya.  Below is a letter I drafted and will email/fax once I leave work.
>You may adopt it or send your own but we have to protest this school's
>position.  Their web address is WWW.SMCM.EDU  Here are a few email
>president - [log in to unmask]
>director of the center for the study of democracy - [log in to unmask]
>registrar - [log in to unmask]
>office of public and media relations - [log in to unmask]
>gazette newspaper - [log in to unmask]
>point newspaper - [log in to unmask]
>Beginning of letter -
>May 11th, 2004
>Ms. Jane Margaret O'Brien
>President, St. Mary's College of Maryland
>18952 E. Fisher Road
>St. Mary's City MD. 20686-3001
>Dear President O'Brien,
>We've received information, confirmed by the registrar's office, that St.
>Mary's College of Maryland has invited Yaya Jammeh, the president of The
>Republic of The Gambia, to be the keynote speaker at your school's
>commencement celebrations, on May 15th, 2004.  As concerned Gambians, many
>of us having been at the receiving end of his tyranny, your school's
>invitation to him is deeply troubling.
>President O'Brien, a brief visit to the State Department's web site would
>have acquainted the school with what obtains in our country, which would
>have steered your institution clear away from Jammeh and invite someone
>worthy of the honor.  It is, however, not too late to do the decent thing,
>in the name of all those students whose murder he sanctioned and the
>independent press who endure harassment on a daily basis, their properties
>burnt to ashes and their reporters detained and tortured.
>Since 1994, repression of the masses in whatever form suits his fancy has
>been Jammeh's modus operandi - we have known only terror and intimidation
>under his Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council.  In his desperate search
>for credibility and legitimacy, Yahya Jammeh and his handlers have,
>unfortunately, latched on to your school, hoping to derive from you what he
>cannot get from citizens of his own country.
>President O'Brien, your invitee has a morbid fear of ideas, which is why,
>as recently as this April, the one independent Newspaper in the country had
>their offices burnt, again, along with their new printing press.
>Thankfully, the staff escaped death.
>Below are just some of the reasons why we ask you to reconsider this
>decision and rescind the invitation of president Jammeh as the keynote
>speaker at your commencement celebrations.
>1.      In April 2004, there was arson attack that destroyed everything in
>the building of the Independent Newspaper, including their recently
>procured printing press.
>2.      On December 26, 2003, the regime attempted to assassinate Ousman
>Sillah, a prominent Gambian Human Rights lawyer. He was shot at least three
>times.  Miraculously, he survived.  President Jammeh went on national
>television and blurted out the shameless remarks that "my soldiers are
>professional soldiers, they will not shoot at anybody three times and
>miss."  We expect no effort from the state to bring these "terrorists" to
>3.      On September 20, 2003, the office of the Independent Newspaper was
>firebombed in the ominous hours of the night inflicting severe eye injuries
>on the night watchman. Again, no investigation has been conducted.
>4.      On August 11th, 2001, the FM1 radio station was fire bombed during
>which the owner George Christensen almost lost his life. Again no
>investigation was conducted and the original.
>5.      On April 10 and 11, 2000, the Gambia Student Union (GAMSU)
>organized a peaceful demonstration for redress in support of two fellow
>students, Binta Manneh, a victim of rape by paramilitary soldiers and
>Ebrima Barry, a victim of physical abuse by the Fire and Ambulance
>services.  During the demonstration protesting the abuse of the students at
>the stadium and at the firehouse, 14 children were murdered in cold blood
>at his behest and he subsequently offered extra judicial protection to
>those who followed orders and pulled trigger.
>6.      On June 23, 1995 the regime's first Minister of Finance, Ousman
>Koro Ceesay was found burnt to death in his official government car.  Until
>this day no investigation has been carried out to rule out foul play or
>accidental death.
>We have pictures of the burnt remains of the Independent Newspapers'
>offices and printing press.  We have pictures of  those students who are
>maimed for life.  Not to mention the pictures to evidence the torture of
>opposition political parties in prison. These can all be sent to you if you
>so desire.
>We sincerely hope that you will lead your institution in doing the right
>thing and un-invite president Jammeh.  Thank you for taking the time to
>read this letter.
>Soffie Ceesay
>Concerned Gambian
>Silver Spring, Maryland
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