The formation of a coalition amongst the opposition parties in the Gambia
have become an issue of necessitity rather than convenience, this has been
identified by  a Doyen of Gambian politics  Halifa Sallah of PDOIS. The
power amassesd by the executive have alerted the minds of the politicians
that a transition phase is necessary to oust the incumbent Yaya  Jammeh,
from his inception  to power all Jammeh did was to find excuses to
strenghten his position as a defacto one nation one party leader. First he
used inducement of all sorts to lure in the opposition having succeeded with
the likes of Dibba and failing to win the likes of Halifa and Sidia Jatta,
he resorted to using the NAM members to doctor the constitution, having a
massive majority with marrionette like NAM members he had succeeded in
making some fundamental changes that have affected or shifted the balance of
power to favour the executive, being faced with such an unprecedented
political equation have alerted the minds of sobber reflecting politicians
such as Halifa to express the need for a tactical alliance, an alliance
whose aim would be to restore to the Gambian people what rightfully belongs
to them and that is power. Without  any possibility of a second round voting
Jammeh have undermind a basic tennet of democracy which would have been the
back drop to the absent of a conclusive majority. Having deprived the
opposition such a position have therefore undermind any expectations of
going to the wire. This coupled with other legitimate concerns outlined by
Halifa have warranted for the oppositions to work hard and burn the midnight
candle to come with an agreable resolution. It should dawn on the
oppopsition that alone it would be difficult to oust Jammeh but with a
concerted genuine effort everything is possible, afterall the APRC machinery
is grinding to a halt, the people that were the motors are dropped hence
leaving a vacuum and increasingly they finding it difficult to maintenace as
is evident in Kafuta. There are many internal wrangles and if the people see
a serious and credible opposition they will vote for them. The chance should
not be allowed to pass everything must be done to broker a deal.

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