<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hey all

Well I have been GF for a year, and about a year ago a GI doc wanted to do
a colonoscopy on me. I scheduled it and cancelled it, never to return. I
know, dumb dumb, but I finally am going May 20th.

I was not diagnosed celiac based on biopsy, but tested positive with blood,
and all Dr. Fines test...so I remain GF.

A few questions here:
- Anything I need to know before going in for colonoscopy? I will ask about
the liquid I need to drink, etc. Also do I need to check about anesthesia?
I assume I do.....I do not take well to anesthesia at all!!!!!

Also, I have had this seriously painful right lower quadrant pain for 20
years with no diagnosis. NONE. No one ever tested me for Celiac until a
year ago, but the docs all told me it is IBS or in my head. Now after being
GF for a year, I am still wondering what it is, and not sure it is related
as I showed no signs of damaged villi etc.....

The pain is odd and always there, sometimes very painful, other times dull.
It is affected by food, exercise, urinary issues, etc. The pain is located
on the right side, lower area near my ovary. All the gynocological tests
are negative...small bowel series unrevealing.

THe pain is intense when a doctor pushes on that side, and horrible painful
during intercourse. I am sorry to be so graphic but it is true. We are all
adults here, so hopefully we can talk openly. I have suffered with a ton of
cystitis, candida, etc....and horrendous PMS for 20 years, but certainly at
it's worst now.

ANY thoughts come to mind? Do you possibly  think this is related to Gluten
Intolerance?? I just think it is separate....it seems to react to so many
things and I am so miserable with it....it truly has been present for 20
years. It used to make me double over in pain, and I would need to get o
nthe floor for hours. It rarely does that now. I do believe some parts of
this pain have lessened, but not much over the year. This area also GURGLES
and SLOSHES and feels like little pop rocks are going off inside...or like
a  babbling brook or something....bubbles I guess.

Sorry to ramble on. Just frustrated as HECK and wondering what the heck it
is....I had a gyno appointment Monday and she pressed down over the right
ovary and I thought I would die.....Really it still is killing me from

Thanks for always being here and helping. You all ROCK!!!!  Tee Hee....

The redcat
Baltimore, MD

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