<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Gluten Free has never tasted so good and been so good for you as the new
Ruby Range baking mixes.

Ruby Range mixes were launched in February at the American Chef's
Federation Show. Even pastry chefs of 5 star resorts were shocked by the
great taste and texture of the baked goods. Some did not believe there
there were no gluten containing flours in the mixes. The chefs agreed
that all of their customers would love these baked goods.

A customer from Louisiana emailed us that the Ruby Range Old Fashioned
Cookies "were the BEST COOKIES IN THE WORLD"

"We tried the Ruby Range mix and it was very good. My one year old son
ate the whole thing!" Chef Herold

"I tried your Pancake mix last week and it was very very good, My son
enjoyed it as well and I didn't tell him about the "Special"
ingredients." Richard Mayo, Royal Danish Pastry

Celiac specialist Dana Korn response to the mixes:

"We've tried the mixes, and they're AWESOME. I knew I'd like them -- but
my kids were the real test -- being kids, and all. They loved them, too!
And I appreciate the fact that they're nutritious. Great job -- I've
also included you in my new edition of my book."

The unsurpassed flavor, texture and nutrition come from the use of
mesquite and teff flours. Both have been dietary staples for over 2000
years adding protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals to the diet while
mesquite actually balances blood sugar. The sweetener used is organic
Sucanat so most diabetics can bake the items. Read more about these at
our web site; www.therubyrange.com or call toll free 877 787 1552.

Items include:      Old Fashioned Cookie Mix

                           Southwest Pancakes

                           Chocolate Truffle Cake / Cupcakes

                           Spice Cake / Cupcakes

                           Ruby Range Flour Mix

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