I got up and looked in the cabinet for a coffee cup---
finding none my reaction was--
wow, i better clean out my truck and garage before Mrs Drew gets po'd...
[or more accurately has a  legitimate reason to be po'd, for a change]....

my daughter, last night let me in on it was an april fools joke- she evidently set her alarm for 02:00, hid the coffee cups, set her brother's alarm for 3:30.....
set my alarm for 6:30 which explains why I over slept....

Met History wrote:
[log in to unmask]"> My kids (7 & 10) got some chocolate milk which they mixed with
flour, oatmeal, and some chewed up carrots.  This, they dumped on
the floor and--Voila!--fake vomit.

"Dad!" they cried, "the cat threw up!"


J.A. Drew Diaz

EDGE Development Construction

Suite 1205

150 W 28th St

NY, NY 10001


t 212.741.7348

f 212.741.7423

c 917.971.1577

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w http://edgedc.com