>From: Lurisia Dale <[log in to unmask]>

  I politely ask for
>in finding a reputable source that would discredit
>that legend.
>You responded 1) very angrily and 2) as though I were
>trying to
>convince people of that fact myself.  Why would you do
>I'm actually asking seriously now.  This list is about
>being able to ask for information and have open
>I would like to be able to use it for that without
>encoutering hostility for no reason.
>To a more peaceful future....


Buy 5 lbs of red meat. Put it on a table. And think for a while how it can
be hidden in anybody's colon.
Colon is not a mystic place. There are no black holes in your colon.
There are no studies to discredit most urban legends because most of them
are absurd.
Why don't you ask somebody who provided you with this nonsense statement
with his studies to prove that. If you have such a studies just post it
here. There is a lot of smart folks here with different backgrounds. You
will get objective answer.
IMO you are starting the other way around. It's like posting a statement
"white bread is healthy" and asking everybody to prove that it's wrong.

(I made sure to have sex last night in hope not to be accused of hostility
this time  ;)

Paul Sand
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