> Now I have 2 parasites (blastocystis
> hominis and giardia)
> Anyway, I am on week 3 of an 8-week anti-parasitic program and I guess I
> was hoping I would feel better by now.

I don't know about the first parasite but the other one - if it is the
giardia lambia you mean. I had it once when I had been to Leningrad. I took
one (1) pill to get rid of so I don't know what is the problem. Any doctor
can prescribe it.

> irrigationist suggested doign a 1 week complete cleanse (no food - just
> UltraClear (a protein drink mix), probiotics, and fiber) and a colonic
> every day. He said it's like cleaning house so the anti-parasite stuff I
> taking is hitting a cleansed body and not a parasite and yeast infested
> body. Makes sense but I know it will be hard.

It does not make sense to me. I really think that it is bad for your body to
do this to. Surely the body has its own system for clearing out waist.

> And last, I have a friend suffering from Asthma. So bad and for so long
> that one, he has beginning stages of ostheoporosis and will most likely
> have to move soon (high allergies here). I am thinking diet would help
> that - am I wrong?

Move? Where to and from where? And what does ostheoporosis have to do with

>And I promise I don't alway whine this much. <g>

I don't think you are whining. Your having troubles and trying to get help.
Thats all right with me but to me your questions are odd and perhaps
confused. Hope you don't find my tone harsh? I don't want to be harsh!